
A gorgeous party room and a quiet guest room are provided for your important guests. They are available  for you to welcome guests with a cordial reception.

Classical Guest Room Modern Guest Room Hospitality Space


A quiet and calm space is for talking with friends, or to be absorbed in reading and thinking. Here is a modern and high

一日中気の済むまで読書にふけったり、気の置けない友人と気軽に歓談を楽しめる。 住まいでも職場でもないサードプレイスとして、そんなちょっとした幸せを感じられる空間を持つことができたら。 心をリセットしたい時、慌ただしく流れる日々に、適度な休符を打つ。この場所にはそんな役割を求めたい。


The terrace is like an open cafe on the street. The spacious room is for children to play vigorously. Plenty of light spaces are available where you can stretch and be free.

Open Mind


Here is a scene of a beautiful life drawn on a large campus. Useful functions are lavishly introduced to support life in lovely residences and the extensive property.
